Major activities and achievement by Federal, Province and District level in 2074-75
National level in 2074/75
- Development, production and distribution of IEC materials to stakeholders, regional medical stores, DHOs and DPHOs.
- Development, production and broadcasting of health messages through radio, television, and newspapers (printed and electronic).
- Golden 1000 days promotion communication campaign
Communication programme on IMNCI, immunization, nutrition. - Mero barsha 2074 for health promotion, ma swasthya, mero desh swasthya promotion programme
- Health promotion, reproductive and child health, free health, communicable and non communicable disease prevention related calendar, booklet etc printing and distribution
- Broadcasting of health messages through radio and television in packages including jeevanchakra, janaswasthya radio, janaswasthya bahas, golden 1000 days communication campaign, mero barsa campaign.
- Initiation of FCTC-2030 Strategic Plan project.
- Pen-package promotion regarding the Control of non-communicable diseases.
- Communication Programmes on sickle cell anaemia
- Communication programme on communicable disease and epidemic prevention.
- School and adolescent friendly service centre, safe motherhood, delay marriage and family planning related inter-personal, social mobilization and mass communication programme
- Communication program for Health promotion activities on Life style, Free services, Ayurved, GBV
- communication programme on risk factors of non communicable diseases through social mobilization, interpersonalcommunication, electronic and print media.
District and Below District Level in 2074/75
- Running sanitation programmes for preventing and controlling epidemics.
- Production of need-based IEC materials.
- Distribution of IEC materials to health facilities.
- Production and airing of health programmes and messages through local FM radio.
- Publication of health messages in print media
- Community interaction programmes for promoting health services.
- Celebration of world health day and other health related occasions