Health education, information, and communication activities are implemented by NHEICC based on health promotion strategies such as:
Advocacy communication will be carried out at all three levels (i.e. Federal, Provincial and Local), within inter and intra ministries, policy makers, non-health actors, political parties, parliamentarian, health development partners and influencers to insure increased and sustained support and commitment for health promotion activities. It advocates for NCD control and prevention, communicable disease and epidemics control and prevention, healthy paalika formation, health promoting school, hospital and workplace formation, proper implementation of Tobacco act and regulation, alcohol control and regulation, Adolescent, Sexual and Reproductive Health (ASRH), family planning, maternal health and implementation of Risk Communication and Community Engagement (RCCE) guideline.
Social mobilization and community engagement ensure the involvement of people at all levels to obtain support for health promotion activities which helps to mobilize the resources and improve service coverage. NHEICC decentralizes the programmes through the provinces, health offices, municipalities, rural municipalities and many more. It also increases the demand generation of health services and their promotion through health mother groups, health clubs, FCHVs, youth clubs, school and other relevant stakeholders.
Health promotion demands coordinated action by all concerned: three tiers of governments, health and non-health sectors, non-governmental and voluntary organisations, religious leaders, influencers and the media. NHEICC has a major responsibility to mediate between differing interests in society for the pursuit of health through health promotion interventions.
Social behaviour change communication has been implemented through NHEICC and its wings to change the positive behaviour of an individual. Social Behaviour Change Communication (SBCC) is carried out by considering Gender Equality and Social Inclusion (GESI) to make an effective health education, information and communication programme successful. NHEICC also develops disability-friendly printed and electronic IEC materials and methods so that no one will be deprived of health education and information.
NHEICC works for the utilization of digital technology to create a platform and provide health information and education to people. It creates different web portals, applications, digital communication systems and digital infographics.
NHEICC uses different mass media such as televisions, radios, digital boards and online and printed media to disseminate health messages and information. It also does social listening through media monitoring.
NHEICC formulates policy, strategies and directives for proper implementation of health promotion activities as per the need.